Hogtown Dogtown ~ Dog Walking and Pet Sitting Wall E Santa Clause Parade
Paw Print  “When you gotta go, you gotta go!”  Paw Print

Besides humans, Dogs are the only known animals that learn to hold feces and urine, which is not healthy or natural. Regular bowel movements and urination helps to keep the immune system healthy by disposing of and not storing waste.

During our busy lifestyles we often leave our pets at home for extended lengths of time, usually more than an 8 hour period. It is rare that we hold our bodily functions that long in a given day, so why do we expect our pets to do so.

Regular walks by Hogtown Dogtown are not only a physical health benefit to your pet, but also a mental benefit in that they are socialized throughout the day. In our experience we are welcomed with vigorous tail wagging; not only because relief is in site for potty breaks, but play time is at hand. Dogs love exercise and being pack animals socialization of a dog produces a well-balanced and well-adjusted animal.

Whether you rely on Hogtown Dogtown for daily walks or dog sitting, there is never a need to be worried. We pick your “best friend” up and walk him or her based on the schedule setup by you with us.

All of your pet’s information is get on file and relayed to their individual walker, our walkers are also required to carry a cell phone in case of an emergency. 

We provide daily reports to you via e-mail if any changes to behaviour, such as a cough, cut or any other health issue arises. About 90% of the time you will receive an e-mail letting you know where we went, what we did and anything funny or unusual that your pup may have done on the walk, we guarantee that you will receive either a daily message or at the very least a weekly message.