Hogtown Dogtown ~ Dog Walking and Pet Sitting Cat Picture
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Cat Visits
Although our name suggests we mainly work with dogs, the owner has had cat’s all of his life, in fact from an early age he basically ran a zoo in his home, with 15 fish tanks, gerbils, hamsters, lizards, parrots, cockatiels, budgies, cats, rabbits, pigeon’s and a dog. Yes, one might consider him to be insane, but he has always been an animal lover and wildlife nut.

Why does my cat need a sitter?
Have you ever noticed that upon returning from a weekend away your cat gives you the cold shoulder and avoids for several hours or a couple of days after you have been gone? Well this should tell you that he or she was not happy while you were gone. Cat’s have crave attention, even when they appear to be totally independent. They crave attention especially at an early age.

There are health reason’s as well as social reasons, we ensure that the water dish is changed and food is available as well and we clean the cat litter as well; more importantly we provide a distraction by giving your cat some attention.

Frequently Asked Questions

What services do you provide?
We will visit your cat as often as you would like. Once a day or every other day. We will wash and clean both the food and water bowls, scoop the kitty litter and/or change the kitty litter as needed. We will also clean up any accidents that may occur before stains set in. If your cat requires medication we will administer these as well.

If you are away, we will take in any mail, newspapers or packages. If you would like the lights rotated and your blinds or drapes opened and closed to make the house look lived in we are happy to do this during the visits. Further, we will water your house plants if you would like.

How long will you visit?
We would spend a half hour with your cat to give him or her the attention that she is probably needing. We will also, do a walk through your house or apartment to make sure that everything is order, if you would like.
Who will visit?
One of Hogtown Dogtown's trained, professional pet caregivers will look after your pet according to your instructions and wishes.
Why Hogtown Dogtown and why in my home?
As you have probably noticed your cat hates the car, this is in part because they are very territorial and insecure animals, but more so because it is rare that they are taken out of the house except to visit the veterinarian. In our experience most of the cat’s we have placed, moved, or simply taken on trips find it extremely stressful and will find a place to hide, venturing out only at night when all is quite.

Having us come to your home will also reduce your stress and worry, knowing that your pet is being looked after, and your house is being watched daily and measures taken to make it seem like you are home.

What do I do if I want to book?
Simply drop us an e-mail or call us to set up your free consultation or if you have further questions about our services. Here will meet you and your pet, this takes approximately 30 minutes. We will then leave you with some forms to fill out asking various questions such as; your dogs fears, past problems, age, health problems, allergies, and a variety of other questions. We will also provide forms for special requests that you ask of us and our walkers. This will allow us to provide the highest level of care in your absence.

24 hours notice of cancellation is required to avoid a cancellation fee.

Contact us for a free get-acquainted interview.