Hogtown Dogtown ~ Dog Walking and Pet Sitting
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Puppy Visits
Hogtown Dogtown will come once or twice a day to feed your puppy as agreed upon with you, our staff will let him or her out to have a good play, more likely a walk will be taken. Frequent visits are ideal in promoting good behaviour and a happy dog at an early age.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need puppy visits?
Attention seeking behavior is prominently developed and prolonged from early infancy. This behavior seems necessary for puppies. It is through this pattern of behavior that you are able to establish a close bond of relationship with the puppy, which is necessary if socialization and training is to be successful.

House training can be achieved much faster by providing regular, reliable schedule for your puppy. Separation anxiety (which can result in destructive/unhealthy chewing or excessive barking/yelping/crying) can further hinder the house training of your puppy, so with regular visits and walks your puppy will be much happier. Your puppy will be more likely to nap during the day, between visits, rather than picking up bad habits like chewing everything in the household, and he or she will more quickly stop that excitable bladder leakage when you arrive home.

What age puppy is suitable for this service?
This service is required if your puppy has not received his/her final shots. After the final shots are administered your puppy can be integrated into a group walk schedule. Your puppy will benefit greatly from group walks at an early age.
Will my puppy be out with other dogs?
No. The health of your puppy is priority one at Hogtown Dogtown, therefore, puppies are walked strictly one on one where our walkers have full control of interactions with other dogs. Once all the immunizations (shots) are completed we will begin to introduce other puppies to your puppy with your permission.
How often will my puppy be visited?
Depending on your schedule, we usually visit your puppy mid-morning and mid-afternoon. This reduces the length of time your puppy has to go without relieving his or her self, and they also get the time alone to get their required naps in.
Will my puppy be walked and where?
We will play with your puppy in his or her own backyard or within a prescribed area agreed upon by yourself and Hogtown Dogtown. When your puppy reaches an age where he or she has had the required shots we will then begin to explore further territories.
How long does a visit last?
A typical puppy visit is not less than a half hour.
What do I do if I want to book?
Simply drop us an e-mail or call us to set up your free consultation or if you have further questions about our services. Here will meet you and your pet, this takes approximately 30 minutes. We will then leave you with some forms to fill out asking various questions such as; your dogs fears, past problems, age, health problems, allergies, and a variety of other questions. We will also provide forms for special requests that you ask of us and our walkers. This will allow us to provide the highest level of care in your absence.

24 hours notice of cancellation is required to avoid a cancellation fee.

Contact us for a free get-acquainted interview.