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Dogs like humans, are individually different. This is an extremely important aspect to consider in training, because a method that proves successful for one dog may not for another. All factors governing a dog's behavior must be considered and each closely analyzed in order to properly apply methods of training at the correct time.

It has been determined that a dog's mind functions 80% of the time by instinct and 20% of the time by knowledge acquired during life. The critical periods which dogs begin to develop mentally starts after the first 21 days of the dog's life.

Basically, the majority of canine training is conducted with the praise versus punishment method. However, the concept of training that is employed by Hogtown Dogtown is directed primarily toward channeling the dog's basic behavioral patterns and drives to achieve the desired result. Therefore, the importance of studying canine behavioral patterns and understanding how a dog's mind functions is of greater importance to us. Full understanding of the function of the dog's mind and knowledge of behavioral patterns will not only lead to a better trained animal, but will enhance progression through avoidance of commonly encountered training errors.

Behavior is never entirely inherited or acquired, but is developed under the combined influences of heredity and environment. The object of socialization of a dog is to produce a well-balanced and well-adjusted animal. Book with us today - John Peat

Just For Fun
We found this 10 minute video online (well my mother sent it to me), which is a must watch for anyone feeling a little down today. This video is guaranteed to put a smile on your face and make you wish that you also had a talented dog like this. Smart Doggy - Click here to watch.

Puppy Training
We'll be sure to use the friendliest yet firm tools and tactics to produce well-socialized, well-behaved pup who grows into a family pet that your home, kids, family and friends can adore as much as you do. The most important thing to remember is that you're not training a puppy - you're training a future dog.
Group Puppy Training
We'll work on teaching your puppy to come when called, we'll focus on stay, down, off, leash walking, bite inhibition, jumping and teaching your pup to settle down when needed. Further, we will work with your dog to “wait” and “sit” before crossing any street, so that, in the event that your dog escapes on his/her own, one day, he or she will be more likely to not run out into moving traffic.

We will consult with you as to which verbal commands that you will be using when training your puppy so that your puppy has consistent training and isn’t confused.

Individual Puppy Training
Our primary focus will be on the most pressing issues for you. Obviously, these vary from person to person and puppy to puppy, therefore, we like to allow ‘puppy parents’ to chose the order of importance and focus. Everyone wants something specific from their relationship with their dog; we'll make sure that your puppies training reflects the dog you'd like to have.
Off-Leash Training
One the greatest pleasures a dog has (and the most natural) is the freedom to run un-tethered and care-free. In our experience living and working with dogs downtown we have observed that many of the dogs we walk (and see in the neighborhood) can be unruly, both towards people and other dogs when leashed during walks. This is due to the inability to defend themselves or simply run away as a means of self protection. Once the dogs are set free in a safe environment where they can run, play and explore we notice a marked difference in behavior. The majority of dogs won’t wander more than 100 feet away from the walker nor will they allow the walker to disappear from their line of site.

We prefer to take your dog to the beach at the foot of Cherry Street where there is a legal off leash area for dogs to run free and act and play naturally in a safe environment. We are aware that there are some less than social dogs at the beach, but the walkers at the beach are all very responsible and will muzzle such animals. In the thousands of times at the beach we have only seen one minor dog fight which the walkers instantly stopped.

Other Training/Specific Needs
Since people acquire pets for all kinds of different reasons and have different expectations of their ideal pet-owner relationship, there may be specific training you'd like to pursue. We therefore will discuss and work toward specific goals that you set and ask of us to work toward. We're happy teach new tricks, better manners when guests come to visit, and we offer help with barking problems, separation anxiety and aggressive behaviors. - John Peat